
Happiness Grand Award 2023

  • Sultan AlHosani

    Dragon Oil

  • Sultan AlHosani joined Dragon Oil in 2018, advancing to Senior Business Risk Engineer by 2021. A founding member of the Dragon Oil Social Club, he evolved from Sports Leader to Deputy Chairman, organizing numerous events, trips, and athletic activities. Sultan's innovative contributions include the inaugural Social Club Booklet and the first Umrah Trip for Turkmenistan employees. Renowned for his volunteering spirit and affable personality, Sultan has become an indispensable figure in both Dragon Oil and the Social Club.

President Select

Awadh bin Hasoom Al Darmaki is an individual that is an author, poet, and creator of the Basamat TV series. The Basamat TV series is considered one of the most famous TV series on Sama Dubai and has completed 6 seasons.

Roads and Transport Authority have been selected based on their achievements in Happiness Club Award category of Customer Service in social media where their overall rating exceeded other evaluated entities in their effort of achieving high customer satisfaction through swift responses to inquiries, follow-up actions, and successful resolution of cases.

Dubai Municipality was selected based on their many green initiatives. They have been working hard, year-on-year, on making Dubai greener, and expanding the number of parks and green landscape. This is to improve the quality of life and happiness of the community of Dubai.

Happiness Award 2023

  • Akash Joseph

  • Charrytee Pascua

  • Daisy Jane

  • Wasantha Pushpakumara

    Atlantis The Palm
  • Mohammad Youssef

    Atlantis The Palm
  • Sajitha Rajadaksha

    Atlantis The Palm
  • Tomas Makovec

    Atlantis The Royal
  • Jessica Sekgobela

    Atlantis The Royal
  • Bayati Kasoga

    Atlantis The Royal
  • Masoumeh Nasabi

    Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD)
  • Luke Brannock

    Dubai Aerospace Enterprise
  • Nargiza Raptanova

    Dubai Duty Free (DDF)
  • Fadhel Hashil

    Dubai Duty Free (DDF)
  • Yosra Berrbii

    Dubai Duty Free (DDF)
  • Christian Mase

    Dubai Duty Free (DDF)
  • Shimsy Anna

    Dubai Duty Free (DDF)
  • Walid Alkhadhar

    Dubai Integrated Economic Zone
  • Samar Qaiser

    Dubai Integrated Economic Zone
  • Hiba Abdellatif

  • Mohamed Ahmed

    Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
  • Atia Habibullah

    Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
  • Shaikha Alabdouli

    Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
  • Saeed AlAnsari

    Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB)
  • Manoharan Raghavan

  • Jean Paul

  • Masooma Al Mohassen

    Emirates Airlines
  • Amna Alsabri

    Emirates Airlines
  • Mohamed Al Qaydi

    Emirates Islamic
  • Aisha Juma

    Emirates Islamic
  • Oday Al Hashimi

    Emirates NBD
  • Moza Alfalasi

    Emirates NBD
  • Khawla Alkhoori

    Emirates NBD
  • Hamda Al Hashemi

  • Maryam Almarri

  • Mae Mimosa

  • Sonya Tomy

  • Mohamed Ibrahim

  • Ahmed Elkazaz

  • Talal Murad

  • Irvin Rupiya

  • Khadeyyah AlSheraifi

    National Bonds
  • Jonna Sobito

  • Harsha Rajkumar
